Sunday, February 28, 2016

History of Indonesian Scouting

The history of scouting in Indonesia can not be separated with a history of struggle for Indonesian independence. The idea that forms the Baden Powell Scouting quickly spread to many countries , including the Netherlands . In a Dutch national scouting referred to as Padvinder . In the colonies , including Indonesia , the Netherlands founded the Scouting organization . In Indonesia known as NIPV (Netherland Indische Vereniging Padvinder ; Persatuan Pandu Pandu - Holland ) . This organization is devoted to Dutch children .

By figures Indonesian national movement formed scouting organization that aims to form a good human Indonesia and become a national movement cadres . Hence then appears the indigenous scouting organizations which at that time amounted to more than a hundred organizations . The organizations such as ; JPO ( Javananse Padvinders Organizatie ) ; JPP ( Jong Java Padvinderij ) , READY ( SI Cambodgien Padvinderij ) ; HW ( Hisbul Wathon ) etc . History continues. Seeing the rise of indigenous-owned scouting organizations that have sprung up , the Dutch finally make regulations to prohibit the scouting organization out Holland's use of the term Padvinder . Because it was then KH . Agus Salim use the term "Guide " and the " Scout " .

Since 1930 raised awareness of Indonesian figures to unite scouting organization . Then formed KBI ( scouting Republic of Indonesia ) . KBI is a combination of scouting organizations such as IPO , PK ( Pandu Sultanate ) , PPS ( Pandu Youth Sumatra ) .

And in 1931 formed PAPI ( Persatuan Pandu Inter - Pandu Indonesia ) , then converted into BPPKI (Central Bureau Scout Association of Indonesia ) in 1938 .After a period of independence established a national scouting organization that Pandu Rakyat Indonesia declared in Solo on December 28 , 1945. Pandu Rakyat Indonesia became the only scouting organization in Indonesia at that time.

However, during leberalisme , popping various scouting organizations such as ; HW , READY , Pandu Indonesia , Christian Pandu Pandu Ansor , KBI etc which amounted to hundreds more . Most of these organizations are gathered in three federations , namely ; IPINDO ( Indonesian Scout Association , founded on 13 September 1951 ) , POPPINDO ( Persatuan Pandu Puteri Indonesia Organization , established in 1954 ) and PKPI ( Scout Association Putri Indonesia ) .

At the time of the Japanese occupation , scouting in Indonesia is prohibited so many incoming leaders Keibondan Pandu , Seinendan and PETA .In 1953 IPINDO become successful members of scouting worldwide. On 10-20 August 1955 IPINDO also successfully organized the first National Jamboree in Pasar Minggu Jakarta. While POPPINDO and PKPI been jointly welcoming haven Lady Baden Powell (Baden Powell's wife) to Indonesia, on the way to Australia. In 1959, PKPI held a large camp for scouts daughter called "Clover Village" in Ciputat. This year also IPINDO send a contingent to the World Jamboree in MT. Makiling Philippines.

Recognizing the weaknesses, the three federations was eventually merged into PERKINDO (Scout Association of Indonesia). But apparently Perkindo own less solid so try to be exploited by the communists in order to become a Young Pioneer movement as in other communist countries.

Beginning in the 1960s, a variety of stakeholders including government and MPRS made various efforts to curb scouting organizations including efforts to set up the Scout Movement.

On Thursday evening the President dated March 9, 1961 to collect the figures and leaders of Indonesia scouting movement, held at the State Palace. The President revealed that scouts are there to be refurbished, methods and educational activities must be replaced, the entire scouting organization that is merged into one called Scout.

The President also appointed Committee for the Establishment of the Scout Movement which consists of the lane IX, P and K Minister Prof. Prijono, Minister of Agriculture Dr.A. Aziz Saleh and the Minister of Transmigration, Cooperatives and Rural Community Development, Achmadi. These events are then referred to as SHOOTS DAY BOY SCOUT MOVEMENT

The committee is then process the Articles of Association of the Scout Movement, as Attachment R.I Presidential Decree No. 238 of 1961, dated May 20, 1961 of the Scout Movement. The Presidential Decree establishes the Scout Movement as the only scouting organization that assigned scouting education for children and young people of Indonesia. These events are then referred to as WORKING DAYS BEGINNING OF YEAR.

Presidential Decree No. 238 of 1961 is signed by the Prime Minister Ir. Juanda as Acting President As President, Ir. Sukarno when it was a visit to Japan.

On July 30, 1961, held at Senayan (Now the Gelora Bung Karno Stadium), figures scouting organization in Indonesia that states willingly merged into the organization of the Scout Movement. These events are then referred to as DAY PLEDGE SCOUT MOVEMENT.On August 14, 1961 , do Inaugural Mapinas ( Majlis National Leadership ) , Kwarnas and Kwarnari at the State Palace , followed conferment pennant procession Scouting and Scouting to introduce Scouting to the community , followed by 10,000 Scouts. This incident then called SCOUT DAY is celebrated until now .

Mapinas was chaired by Dr. Ir. Soekarno ( President) and Vice Chairman of the First , the lane IX and Vice Chairman Brig Gen II Dr.A. Aziz Saleh . While Kwarnas , chaired by the lane IX , and Brigadier General Dr.A. Aziz Saleh as Vice Chairman concurrently Chairman Kwarnari .

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